How to make your business grow through and after #COVID19

It’s true, our world has changed. What yesterday was considered routine, monotony and boredom, is today longed for by all and we are counting on fingers and hands the time that remains to be able to have it back again.

Too many things have changed. Our way of understanding day-to-day life has been turned upside down with the Coronavirus. We do everything at home. Our sanctuary of rest has become the gym, work, restaurant, pool, park…. And our companies are being whipped off the ground like a hurricane that no one had warned us about. Well. The situation is what it is, but can we take advantage of it?

Changes arise in the daily life of our business, processes that evolve in others and jobs that used to be performed in one way and now in another. It is true that the evolution we are experiencing is taking place in too short a time, but they do not call us brave for nothing.

Brave, like the ability to adapt, with resources that even from home are useful to keep walking during this crisis. Because this is a dump in the road, not a stop, you have to continue working.

What can you do to make your company stronger during and after COVID19? Here are 5 keys!


Communicate with your customers during Lockdowns and modified business hours

That we cannot live like normally because of Covid-19 does not mean that the world, which was once out there, has disappeared. Your clients are still there, they still need your services and they need to know that you are there for them too.

Perhaps their needs have changed, they may not require your product or service as often as before, but your mission is still to be available.

  • Generate post with quality content for your business blog
  • Keep them informed through Stories on Instagram and Facebook
  • Send them periodical Newsletters with relevant information
  • Post frequent posts on Facebook and Instagram
  • Create a YouTube channel and record yourself offering useful content for them.


Give customers what they really need at this time of Coronavirus

Most likely, the strategy you had planned for these next few months will no longer work. No worries. Reformulate the plan and add new market opportunities. Get your business on the track in the digital world, make deals, play with all the options.

Every day we hear different testimonies from companies that have restructured their businesses. From textile industry that have stopped their production to make face masks, to communication companies that have sought new ways to reach people, through the thousands of virtual concerts that singers and composers have been giving us since the beginning of this quarantine.


Don’t stop investing in marketing in times of crisis

When chaos comes into our lives, we tend to get nervous and get rid of what we think is superfluous. It’s like when you see smoke at home, you bring your kids out on the street. Nothing else matters…but once out on the street you start thinking … I would have to …

With the arrival of COVID19, internet consumption has skyrocketed. Thousands of people are in their homes constantly consuming information, from morning to noon and, sometimes, until the wee hours of the morning. Do you think it is not a good opportunity to be able to communicate with them? Make your brand present in their lives.

  • Launch search campaigns in Google Ads
  • Design attractive and highly visual creatives to promote your brand on Facebook and Instagram Ads
  • Prepare a mailing plan to send to potential clients
  • Adapt your website to new needs. Communicate that you are still active


Remind the world how important you are to them

Add value to your brand. Praise your company and everything it represents.

Keep the brand top of mind so that when lockdown and confinement is over, your company continues to being important to them.

  • Why is your brand necessary?
  • What do you bring different from the competition?
  • Are you more accessible than the rest?

Let them know! This is a long-distance race and staying with them in difficult times is what will differentiate, in the future, a friendly brand from another that is not so friendly.


Reinvent yourself or die – before and after Coronavirus

Thousands of possibilities make their way around your company and you must be aware of them.

Could it be a good time to launch an e-commerce? Get to work and boost your online sales

  • Add an online store to your current website and start uploading products.
  • Optimize Instagram Store, tagging your products.
  • Synchronize it with Facebook and sell through the two social platforms.
  • Sell ​​through Amazon: the ecommerce giant can be your great ally at times like this.

If your company offers services instead of products, it is a good time for Social Networks to be part of your strategy.

  • Use IGTV to explain what you do and offer them a free session. These are difficult times, you have to give in.
  • Generate direct on Instagram, answer their questions and interact with them.
  • Take surveys on Instagram about the topics that concern or interest them the most and answer them about it. You can even write a post for your blog or make a YouTube or IGTV video answering those questions.

Your business can also turn around and transform into something critical during quarantine. Look for that market niche and value the opportunity that is offered to you.

We insist, the Coronavirus is just a dump …


If something characterizes entrepreneurs and freelancers, it is the capacity for sacrifice and adaptation. These are hard and complicated moments, but sometimes you have to stop and think, analyze the situation that surrounds us and gain momentum to be able to continue moving forward. To advance, to learn and to continue improving. At MSR Marketing we already put these five keys into practice, in our company and in those of our clients.







Do you have a company and are you worried about the current situation of #Coronavirus?

If you need help to adapt to the new market situation, attract customers and redo your marketing and communication strategy, we can help you!

This situation has caused us to change the way we work in order to keep our businesses active. New possibilities open up in the face of this sudden change. It is time to think about alternatives for professional activities, time to carry out ideas that we had pending to carry out. Now is the time to sit down and plan a strategy. Do you have yours?

At MSR Marketing we have already implemented new strategies for our clients and new clients who needed to face this situation and turn their projects around.



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