Is voice search the future of search marketing?

Is the voice search the future of search marketing?


In order to know if the voice search is the future of search marketing we need to know what the voice search is. This is an alternative to written search. Smart mobile devices have encouraged the use of voice to perform searches of any kind on the internet. Voice searches can be done very easily from the devices we usually use: mobile, Tablet, computer, Smart TV and home devices (Alexa, Google Home, etc.).

Thanks to artificial intelligence and Google algorithms, it is an increasingly common practice among users. The reason? It facilitates and speeds up searches, and can be carried out while you carry out other actions in your day to day: while you walk, while you talk to someone or while you cook, for example.

In addition, this spoken communication is usually more personal and informal than the written one. We use spoken language to ask Google to answer a question and we do it as if we were asking a friend.


According to Google reports, more than 20% of searches are carried out through voice searches on devices that run on the Android operating system.

How does the voice search work?


All smartphones contain a microphone that can pick up our voice to find what we are looking for. And in record time we get the answer.

Generally, Smartphones have virtual assistants that are installed by default on our phones. Surely you already know Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant, for example

You will also know the new physical devices, such as Google Home or Amazon Echo’s Alexa. These smart speakers are ready to listen and answer our requests.

To perform this type of search on a device, the user must activate voice search if it is not activated by default. To activate voice search and join those who already say “Ok Google”, follow these steps:

  • Access the Google app (Google Now in some cases)
  • Go to the Settings menu
  • Search Voice
  • In the Voice submenu, access Voice March
  • Activate the option to Say “Ok Google” at any time


What does a website need to appear in voice searches?


The main thing is that the page is well positioned in terms of SEO.

From MSR Marketing, as an agency specialized in digital communication and marketing, we work on SEO positioning. We focus on creating web content (both in text, video and podcast format) to optimize your website and position yourself among the first Google results.

Working in depth on SEO On Page is essential to be among the first results of the browser or, in the best of cases, in the zero position, as a featured snippet. Google will use the content of your website to appear in voice searches if you achieve the desired zero position and appear as a featured snippet.


What are the Featured Snippets?


The Featured Snippet is a response format that Google offers the user directly. The user gets a quick answer to his question without having to enter and navigate through other pages. The answer is in position 0 of the browser, after the ads.

Featured snippets can be presented in various formats: text (text snippets), video (video snippets) or lists and tables.

Google is the one who decides what is the best response for the user. And, therefore, it will show the result that it considers the most successful. To get closer to being chosen and for Google to extract information from our website to answer a question, it is important to take their advice into account.


How to achieve the zero position in Google?


  • Answer direct questions. Offer short answers to specific questions.
  • Try writing your answer in the first paragraph of your page.
  • Content with headings works well.
  • Mark the contents with schema.


Obviously, many other SEO factors influence to appear in this desired position zero. The most common On Page optimizations, such as working with internal interlacing or adding alternative text to images, also add up to being in this position.



The future of voice search


Voice searches are becoming more common now and on the rise. This type of search facilitates and speeds up access to certain information and, to a certain extent, makes our lives easier.

Currently the most frequently asked questions are related to the weather, nearby restaurants, music, radio, shopping, calls, dates of events … But we are sure that this range of questions will expand, and much, in a short period of time. People will take advantage of speaking to their device to find out something, rather than typing and googling it, to save time in their daily lives. Here are the most basic keys to be among the first to appear in voice searches.Do you dare to apply them?


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