28 Dic GAVIPLAS SL refuses to pay their service providers
November, 2020
Gaviplas SL, one of the main spanish sustainable flexible plastic packaging producers in Valencia, refuses to pay their Agency for marketing services, and the development of their brand new website, «because the old website from 2001 is so much better than the new one»
Gaviplas SL signs project agreements, but refuses to pay
After 3 months of collaboration between the Agency and the internal sustainable flexible plastic packaging foil specialists, sales specialists, and marketing team in the flexible plastic packaging company Gaviplas, agreeing on the strategy, writing the content, developing visual identificators, organizing the product portfolio, selecting images and sketching out the design, the final website was programmed, and launched in August 2020.
3 months later, in november, the general manager suddenly had time to inspect the new website, and decided for the first time he didn’t like it at all, preferring the look and feel, and even the content of the old website.
In his anger with the failed flexible plastic packaging website project, the general manager decided to completely fire the Agency, and stop all outstanding payments of invoices, including the very successful Google Search Ad campaigns, SEO positioning and visual design of sales presentations and materials.
In Spite of legal contracts, Gaviplas SL refuses to pay their providers, or answer phone calls
With a valid contract in hand, accomplishing all the requirements of the legal document, the Agency is now unable to get in contact with Gaviplas SL. The general manager refuses to answer mails, or pick up the phone when calling, he only once made the accidental mistake of answering a Whatsapp call, while flushing the toilet and zipping his pants, but did not make any comment or attempt to speak during the 2 minutes long bathroom break.
Gaviplas SL holds on to the decision of not paying bills or taxes
After talking to all the collaborators of the team at Gaviplas SL, sustainable flexible plastic packaging producers, none of them are able to help, as the general manager has given them clear instructions on how to transmit his personal decision, and told them not to attend the requirements of paying neither the outstanding monthly fee, nor the advertising investment in digital campaigns, nor the newly launched website, in spite of having commissioned it and signed the agreement himself.
Whilst taking legal actions in Spain only benefits the rich, the small Agency has decided not to go to court, as this would only require new direct expenses, on top of the taxes they already have to pay of 25% «benefit» and 21% VAT related to the unpaid bills.
Gaviplas SL new website
What do you think about the new website?

Gaviplas SL flexible plastic packaging film new website (rejected)
Gaviplas SL old website
What do you think about the old /current website of Gaviplas SL?

Gaviplas SL sustainable flexible plastic packaging film old /current website https://www.gaviplas.es
Do you prefer the old one, or the new one?
Tags: Flexible plastic packaging film producer Gaviplas SL Spain
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